
Enable Uploader

Activate Uploader

When the Snax plugin is active, all you have to do to activate the frontend uploader is to assign the Frontend Submission Page.

Deactivate Uploader

To disable the uploader, just deselect the Frontend Submission Page.

Access Uploader Page

To access the uploader (format selection page), you have two possible ways:

  1. A page link
    As the Frontend Submission Page is in fact a regular page, you can find it under the WP Dashboard > Pages. You can add that page as a menu item, regular link inside post/page content, and any other places where a page link can be used.
  2. Button inside the header
    You can also use the Header Builder and its Create Button element (part of Snax integration) as an entry point to the uploader, directly from the header.

What do you think?

Frontend Uploader Overview

Post vs Item