
Single Post Overview

A single post, on a magazine site, is the most important page. In this section, we will cover all aspects you should be aware of to create engaging posts for your visitors.


All post-related settings (template, elements visibility, pagination, autoloading, etc) can be set individually for a post or base on global setup. Read more


A single post consists of a variety of elements of different types:

  • Before Post Elements (Shares, Views, Author, etc)
  • Post Content Elements (Ads, Embeds, Players, etc)
  • Sidebar
  • Pagination
  • After Post Elements (e.g. Newspaper, You May Also Like, Comments, etc)

All elements are optional. You can turn them off and reorder. Read more

Post Formats

Besides the Standard post format, the theme provides custom functionality and styling for the following formats:

Supported Media Formats

Inside post content, you can place:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Ads
  • Embeds (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc)
  • GIFs
  • Videos (self-hosted and external)

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Visitor Engagement Tools

To attract your visitors and give you a hand on your site’s launch, we provide some useful tools to engage your audience:


The theme is integrated with AMP plugin so all your posts are automatically AMP posts, ready to be providing mobile-optimized content. Read more

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Global Featured Entries