
Ads on AMP Pages

Some of your ads are ready to be used on all devices, adapting to screen size and type automatically. But in some circumstances, you may want or need to use a separate version of your ad for AMP pages.

How to display an ad on AMP?

By default all created ad slots are rendered on all devices, including AMP. To be sure your ad is not disabled on AMP, please check the following conditions:

  1. For an ad, in its edition screen, check if the option Disable on AMP is NOT checked. Read more about that option
  2. For an ad slot, check if the option Disable on AMP is NOT checked. Read more about that option
  3. For an ad slot, check if the option Override ad on AMP is in use. If so, check the chosen ad and its Disable on AMP option (see Point 1)

If all criteria above are met, your ad should be displayed on AMP pages.

Display an ad on desktop but not on AMP

If you need to hide an ad on AMP pages, but keep it visible on other devices, please:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard > Ads > All ads page
  2. Find an ad to hide it on AMP
  3. Open its edition screen by clicking Edit under it
  4. In the meta box Disable on devices, check the option Disable on AMP

Read more on how to disable ads per device.

Use a different ad for desktop and for AMP

Let’s say you have an ad assigned to the Before content slot for a single post, and you want to display that ad on a desktop, tablet, and phone but not on the AMP version of that post. To display a different ad just for AMP, please do as follows:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard > Ads > Settings page
  2. Choose the Ad Slots tab
  3. Find the Before Content slot and expand it
  4. Use the option Override on AMP to select an ad that should replace the Ad on AMP page version

Read more on how to override ads per device.

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