

For beginners

If you are new to WordPress, please check out first the WordPress Menu system guide. It covers the basic usage tasks like creating a new menu, adding items to it, and assigning a menu to a theme location.

Mega Menu

The Mega menu is a special type of menu item, changing the way sub-items are rendered. Below you can check available compositions.

The Mega menu works for the Primary and Secondary menu location.


The Category type is a type of Mega Menu that displays the newest category entries in a box appearing, while the mouse cursor hovers over the category menu entry.

To set up a category menu, please:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Menus panel
  2. Select a menu and make sure its location is set to Primary Navigation or Secondary Navigation (the Manage Locations tab)
  3. Use the Categories tab on the left to add a category entry to the menu
  4. Expand the entry in the Menu structure by clicking the arrow in its top right corner
  5. Turn on Turn into Mega Menu checkbox
  6. Make sure you remember to save the changes


The Columns type is a type of Mega Menu that displays the children of a menu entry in a Mega Menu box instead of standard hover dropdown.

To set up the Columns menu, please:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Menus panel
  2. Select a menu and make sure its location is set to Primary Navigation or Secondary Navigation (the Manage Locations tab)
  3. Find a menu entry that has nested child menu entries. You can make a menu entry a child of its preceding entry by dragging it to the right
  4. Expand the parent entry in the Menu structure by clicking the arrow in its top right corner
  5. Turn on Turn into Mega Menu checkbox
  6. Make sure you remember to save the changes


The Categories type is a type of Mega Menu that displays post categories in a Mega Menu box instead of standard hover dropdown.

To set up the Categories menu, please:

  1. Create a new page in WP Dashboard › Pages
  2. Name it Browse Categories
  3. Open it for edition using the WP Bakery Page Builder
  4. Add the Bimber Categories block
  1. If you don’t use the WP Bakery Page Builder, add this shortcode
    [ bimber_categories max="99" orderby="count" show_icon="none"]
  2. Save the page
  3. Now, go to the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Menus panel
  4. Select a menu and make sure its location is set to Primary Navigation or Secondary Navigation (the Manage Locations tab)
  5. From the Pages meta-box on the left, add the Browse Categories page to your menu (screen)
  6. This menu item (page) MUST NOT have any sub-items
  1. Expand the page in the menu structure by clicking the arrow in its top right corner
  2. Adjust the page’s label if you want
  3. Check the Turn into Mega Menu checkbox (screen)
  4. Save changes

An icon (visible in the drop menu) and the category image (visible on a page with [ bimber_categories ] shortcode) can be set per category via WP Dashboard > Posts > Categories > A CATEGORY > Edit > Media section.

Theme menu endpoints

The theme offers a few special menu items you can use inside any of your menus:

  • Random post
  • Top 10
  • Latest
  • Popular
  • Hot
  • Trending

To add a special menu endpoint to a menu, please:

  1. Go to the WordPress Admin › Appearance › Menus panel
  2. Select a menu
  3. Use the Bimber tab (screen below) on the left to add a menu item to the menu
  4. Make sure you remember to save the changes

Plugins menu endpoints

Other plugins offer similar special menu items.


BuddyPress as a community plugin offers a lot of user-related menu items. Most important are:

  • Log in
  • Log out
  • Register
  • Profile
  • Posts (only if Snax plugin activated)
  • Submissions (only if Snax plugin activated)
  • Votes (only if Snax plugin activated)
  • Reactions (only if What’s Your Reaction plugin activated)
  • Badges (only if myCRED plugin activated)


Snax special menu endpoints are:

  • Log in
  • Log out
  • Waiting Room

as well as all its formats (Video, List, Story, Quiz) in the separate tab called Snax Formats.

What’s Your Reaction

If you want to add a reaction (Love, LOL, WTF etc.) to your menu, please use the Reactions tab.

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