
Create Button

Hide the Create button

In order to hide the Create button or show it only to the logged in users, please:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Customize panel
  2. Go to the Header › Elements section
  3. Change the Show “Create” button option to disable the button or show it only for the logged in users.

Choose create button type

In order to hide the Create button or show it only to the logged in users, please:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Customize panel
  2. Go to the Header › Elements section
  3. Change the “Create” button type option to “Create (button)” in order to make it a button linking to Frontend Submission page
  4. Change the “Create” button type option to “Create (dropdown)” in order to make it a dropdown with links to different formats
  5. Change the “Create” button type option to a “Create -format name-” in order to make it a button linking to a specific format

Change the Create button label

In order to change the Create button label, please:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Customize panel
  2. Go to the Header › Elements section
  3. Change the “Create” button label option to your desired text.

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