
Twitter Widget


Display recent tweets on your site.


The Twitter widget is a part of the G1 Socials plugin so please make sure that it’s active. The widget requires also a Twitter App to work (see below).

Widget Name

The widget can be located under the WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets page by the G1 Socials Twitter name.


TitleWidget’s title
UsernameTwitter’s username
Number of Tweets to showHow many entries to show
Cache timeIf you are in a development stage, you can set it to 1 to see changes faster
Exclude repliesDo not load replies to tweets

Twitter App

To create a Twitter app and use it for the widget, please do as follows:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard > Settings > G1 Socials settings page
  2. Choose the Twitter tab
  3. Follow the steps there to create an app
  4. Fill in all the keys
  5. Save Changes

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