
How to build lists?

The popular, hot, and trending lists are based on post views or votes. They differ in the time range:

  • the Popular list shows posts of all time. You can treat them as so-called “Hall of Fame” collection
  • the Hot list is for posts from last month
  • the Trending list is for posts from last day


Here are some requirements you need to meet to collect data for these lists:

Lists Based on Views

  1. the WordPress Popular Posts plugin must be activated.
    WordPress doesn’t count views for posts by default so we need to use 3rd party plugin for that.
  2. at least one post needs to be visited so its views counter can be initialized.
    Just click through few posts on your site to populate their views.

Lists Based on Votes

  1. the Snax plugin must be activated and its Votes module enabled.
  2. at least one post needs to be voted so its votes counter can be initialized.
    Just pick a post and vote on it.

Lists Automatic Generation

Lists are updated once a day. If you want to change this interval, you can use your child theme. To rebuild list after every 12 hours, add the code below to your child theme functions.php:

add_filter( 'bimber_update_lists_interval', 'custom_lists_interval' ); 

function custom_lists_interval( $interval ) {
    $interval = 60 * 60 * 12; // 12 hours = 60 sec * 60 min * 12 hours 

    return $interval; 

Read more about applying custom PHP code.

How To Update Lists Manually?

If you are in a development phase of your site, you will probably want to see results faster, before the first calculation is done. To do that please follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Theme Options panel
  2. Go to the Tasks tab
  3. Click the Update button right next to the list you want to update

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