
Custom Collections

Custom collections are collections created by users. Users have full control over them.


Users’ collections can be:

  • Private – only the owner has access
  • Public – it’s publicly accessible for all, but only the owner can add/remove items and edit it


To activate the custom collections, please do as follows:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard › Settings › Snax › Collections section
  2. In the Built-in Collections section, click the Activate for the Custom collection
  3. When the collection is successfully activated, you should see the View and Edit buttons (screen)

Welcome Page

If an anonymous user clicks the Add to Collection link, they will be redirected to the welcome page.

The content of that page is from the shortcode.
Shortcode texts can be translated. All phrases are from the Snax plugin.
Read here about the translation mechanism.

You can also replace the shortcode with your own content by following these steps:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard › Settings › Snax › Collections section
  2. In the Built-in Collections section, click the Edit for the Custom collection
  3. Remove the from content
  4. Add your texts
  5. Save changes

Create a Collection

A new collection is created while adding the first post to it so please refer to the Add items section below for more information.

Single Collection

To view a single collection page, user can:

  • visit his profile and use the Collections tab. Read more
  • use the My Collections menu endpoint. Read more


To edit a collection, please go to its single page and click the Edit button (screen, point 1). Only the collection’s owner has access to it.

From here (screen), you can edit:

  • title
  • description
  • featured image
  • visibility

Add Items

To add a new item (post) to a collection, please do as follows:

  1. Click the Add to Collection link from:
    • Archive view – under each post you should find post’s actions menu (three dots)
    • Single view – at the end of the post content, you should find post’s actions
  2. If you are logged out, you will be redirected to the collection’s welcome page (see the Welcome page section).
  3. If you are logged in, the popup with all your collection will show up
  4. To add a post to an existing collection, choose it from the list (start typing to filter list)
  5. To add a post to a new collection, fill in a name and click Save
  6. In the top right page corner, you will see the notification
  7. Click the collection’s name in the notification box to go to the collection

Remove Items

To remove items from a collection, please visit its single page, expand the item’s actions (screen, point 2) and click the Remove from Collection link.

Remove Collection

To remove an entire collection, please visit its single page and click the Delete button (screen, point 1). Only the collection’s creator
can remove it.

There is a special menu item My Collections that you can add to any of your menus. Read more

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