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Daniel Sinoca

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There are always some questions about these games that we have on our site and we thought we would answer some of the most common ones here.

Are these slots really for free?

Yes – 100% free! The only thing you are paying for are the bandwidth that you use, if you for some reason still pay by usage πŸ™‚

Why do online casinos offer free slot games?

They offer free versions of their slot machines in the hopes that you would like to try them for real money at one point. It seems to be a very good marketing tool for them and many of the free players sooner or later gives it a go with real money as well.

Just remember that you never have to play them for real money, but some like to switch it up between playing for fun and gambling other times.

Take me for example: I love to play with real money, but let us be real, if I played for real money every time I wanted to play the slots I would probably be dead broke. It is a very expensive hobby, so therefore I dabble with the free versions from time to time.

Are all slot machines free to play?

You will find that the online casinos offers almost all of their new titles comes with a free version that you can try out. If there are any machines missing that is most likely older ones that they never bothered giving a free version of.

Why do people play free slots and not for real money?

I have already mentioned a couple of reasons, but there are other ones as well. This is not an exhaustive list, but a couple of reasons we have seen for why people do it:

  • They do not like to lose – Some are aware that the odds is stacked against you when playing against the casino and thus do not want to risk any of their money on a losing proposition.
  • They do not have the money for it – Most people have money, but there are not all that many people that have enough money for all the bills AND enough money to splurge in the casino on top of that.
  • Because gambling is illegal – Not all countries allow you to gamble online and thus some are forced to simply play for play money.
  • It’s fun – I guess you could see this one coming, but slots, for free or real money, are soo much fun. I might be a bit biased coming from a site called real money slots, but it is one of my favorite relaxing activities.

You will probably encounter others that play for totally different reasons, but we find that these are the most common ones for the popularity of free slot games.


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