
Reactions Overview

Allow visitors to express a reaction to a post, using nice looking badges.


Reactions are powered by the What’s Your Reaction plugin, so please make sure you have it activated.


Reactions are similar to tags and can be used to group your posts. Create a set of reactions, display the voting box under a post and let users share their feelings about that post. Reactions are assigned to a post automatically after a certain number of votes, you can assign a reaction manually too.


You can display reactions in:

  • site’s header
  • single post’s header
  • collections

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Custom Icons

Besides the pre-packaged icons, you can upload your own.

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Fake Reactions

Fake reactions functionality allows you to display a certain starting number of reactions for every post, so you don’t have to start from 0. This can be set globally or locally for every post. Read More

What do you think?

14 Points
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Position: Floating ShareBar
