

In that section, you will find other useful options related to the uploader.

Block Dashboard Access

To block the Dashboard access for all roles except for Administrator role, please check the option WP Dashboard > Settings > Snax > General > Misc > Disable Dashboard access for non-administrators

Change URL slug

To change the snax_ part from Snax plugin related URLs (e.g. for quizzes, lists, etc.), please go to the WP Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks > Snax and change the URL variable.

Disable Admin Bar

To hide the admin bar for all roles except for Administrator role, please check the option WP Dashboard > Settings > Snax > General > Misc > Disable admin bar for non-administrators

Disable Login Form

To disable the login/password form in the Login Popup, please check the option WP Dashboard > Settings > Snax > General > Misc > Disable WP login form

Hide Origin Info

To hide the above text under a Snax created post, please turn off the option WP Dashboard > Settings > Snax > General > Show the “This post was created with our nice and easy submission form.” text


To allow users to report any kind of content violations, please enable the reporting in WP Dashboard > Settings > Snax > Moderation > Reporting > Allow users to report a post abuse?

Rich Editor Support

To turn on/off the rick editor for post and item description, please use options:

WP Dashboard > Settings > Snax > General > Allow rich editor for post description

WP Dashboard > Settings > Snax > General > Allow rich editor for item description

Terms and Conditions Page

To force users to accept your site’s policy before content submission (check the point 7 on Post Submission Form), please assign a page to the option WP Dashboard > Settings > Snax > Pages > Terms and Conditions.

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