
Image Compression

Viral websites often make heavy use of images. One of the best ways to improve the experience of your users is to decrease the size of the image files via an image optimization service. You can easily do that with Bimber by installing a proper plugin.


Here are some examples of image optimization services that you can use with Bimber:

WP Smush


EWWW Image Optimizer

How Does It Work?

Image optimization services will take any image you upload to your site and pass it through a special algorithm which will decrease the size of the file. This includes any image you upload from the backend and the frontend using Snax’s Frontend Submission.

All the enlisted plugins support lossless compression. They will improve the loading times for your site, reduce the usage of the server space, and also improve your SEO by upgrading your performance rating in Page Speed Insights.

How To Use the Plugins?

All the enlisted plugins should work out of the box and optimize every image uploaded to the site after the activation. They also all offer a bulk optimization option in the media library to take care of your archive files. In most cases, the default settings are a good starting point. For advanced configuration, please refer to each
plugin’s documentation.

How Much Does It Cost?

Notice: please refer to the plugins’ official sites for the current pricing.

WP Smush offers an unlimited free plan and an optional PRO version for more options and bigger images ($49 /month).

EWW has a free version that will optimize your files locally using your server’s CPU. You can also switch to a paid
cloud service which is priced by the amount (around $0.003 per image).

TinyPNG has a free plan for approximately 100 images and a paid plan for around $0.009 per image

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