
Home Filters

The home filters are another type of navigation on your site. They allow filtering posts by various criteria.

Filter Types

As homepage filters you can use:

  • Bimber special menu endpoints: Popular, Hot, Trending, Latest (New), Random Posts
  • Snax plugin special menu endpoints: Waiting Room (Pending)
  • Snax plugin formats: Poll, Quiz, List, Meme, etc.
  • Restrict Content Pro plugin special menu endpoints: Paid and Free
  • WordPress post categories
  • WordPress post tags
  • Custom taxonomy archives: Reactions etc.
  • Custom post type archives

Enable Filters

To enable the filters on your homepage, please do as follows:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Menus
  2. Create a new menu. Click the create a new menu link (screen below, point 1)
  1. Add filters to the menu:
    • Bimber special menu endpoint (screen above, point 2). The New menu item is the Latest Bimber endpoint, with a changed label.
    • Snax plugin special menu endpoint (screen below, point 3).
      The Pending menu item is the Waiting Room Snax endpoint, with a changed label.


    • Snax plugin format (Poll, Quiz, List, etc)
    • Restrict Content Pro plugin special menu endpoint (screen above, point 2)
    • Post category
    • Post tag
    • Taxonomy archive
    • Custom post type archive
  1. Save menu
  2. Now, click the Manage Locations tab
  3. Assign the previously created menu to the Home Filters location (screen)
  4. Save Changes

Disable Filters

To disable the homepage filters, please:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Menus
  2. Click the Manage Locations tab
  3. Make the Home Filters location empty
  4. Save Changes

Default Filter

The first menu item will be the default homepage filter.

Empty Lists

If you have installed a new demo and your lists (Hot, Trending) are empty, please read this guide.

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