
Dark & Light Skin

Change Skin

You can choose between two basic presets of colors for the whole page: light and dark. To pick your skin, please:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Customize panel
  2. Go to the Design › Global section
  3. Change the Skin option to your preferred value

Mode Switcher

You are not limited to use one skin at the time. To provide a better experience, you can allow your users to switch between skins (mods).
To do that, please add the Skin switcher to your header by following these simple steps:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Customize panel
  2. Open to the Header › Builder section
  3. Place the Skin dropdown onto your header (screen)

If you want to use alternative logo for your dark mode, please do as follows:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Customize panel
  2. Choose the Site Identity section
  3. Upload the Logo inverted
  4. Optionally, provide the Logo inverted HDPI if you want to provide a high quality logo for retina devices
  5. Optionally, upload the Mobile Logo inverted to provide different dark mode logo for mobile devices
  6. Optionally, provide the Mobile Logo inverted HDPI if you want to provide a high quality mobile logo for retina devices

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