
Post Archive Main List

Main posts feed on an archive page. By default the section is called More Stories.

General Settings

To adjust the Main Collection look on all archive pages, please use the WP Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Posts > Archive > Main Collection section.

You can there:

  • Change or hide the title
  • Change the template
  • Replace posts featured images with embeds (only for Stream template)
  • Set number of entries per page
  • Choose a type of the pagination
    • Load More
    • Infinite Scroll
    • Infinite Scroll (first load via click)
    • Prev/Next Pages
  • Hide elements visible on a single post
  • Show/Hide the Call to Action button
  • Inject a newsletter into posts feed
  • Inject an ad into posts feed
  • Inject a product into posts feed

Tag/Category Settings

Most of the General Settings can be overridden for a category / tag. To do so, please go to the WP Dashboard > Posts > Categories / Tags / A category / A tag > Edit page > Main Collection section.


Auto-injection gives you the option to blend your regular posts with ads, newsletters, or products. These “special” items are to encourage your users to action, in an unobtrusive way.

For each item type you have to choose where to place the first item (Inject at position field) and after how many items repeat injection (Repeat after each X positions field, leave empty to not repeat). Please don’t set up repetitions to eg. 1. This can break counters and end up with unexpected behaviors. Best if you inject each type just once on a page. You don’t want to distract your users with so many “no post” items.


  • Newsletter – inject at position 2, repeat 11 (if you have 12 items per page, 11 value will keep injection in the same position on all next pages)
  • Ad – inject at position 5, repeat 11
  • Product – inject at position 8, repeat 11

Auto-Injected Newsletter

To use this option, you need a plugin that handles the newsletter subscription process for you. We recommend the MailChimp for WordPress plugin. After theme activation, you should be asked to install it or you can do that later, manually via the WordPress Admin › Appearance › Install Plugins page.

Read more about the plugin integration.

Auto-Injected Ad

To use this option you need a plugin for ads. We recommend the AdAce plugin.
After theme activation, you should be asked to install it or you can do that later, manually via the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Install Plugins page.

Auto-Injected Product

To use this option you need a plugin for products. We recommend the WooCommerce plugin. After activating the plugin, set up your products and fill the Inject products from category field to inject only products from selected categories into your home page posts collection. Choose the “none” option to get recent products.

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