
Sticky Widgets

A sticky widget is a floating box that stuck to the browser’s top when you scroll.


To configure it to work with your sidebar, please do as follows:

  1. Open the WP Dashboard › Appearance › Widgets page
  2. Find the Bimber Sticky Start Point widget and add it into your target sidebar
  3. Move the Bimber Sticky Start Point widget before a widget which first should be sticky
  4. Configure sticky options (screen below):
    • Offset – leave 0 unless you have custom sticky elements. Theme sticky elements (menu, share bar) are automatically calculated
    • Sticky widget container height – leave 0 unless you want to achieve the effect of floating widgets (one widget pushes out the previous one, check the Music demo)
    • Number of subsequent widgets to be sticky – leave 0 to make all subsequent widgets sticky

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